Truffle Approved
Riadh and #CamChocoFest have news!
We have started a directory of Dog Friendly Cafes, Shops, and Venues spanning from Cornwall to Cambridge, and possibly Lake Como... where Riadh will be holidaying this year with family, Truffle-less, but still working nonetheless!
The plan is to build a list of Dog Friendly businesses, promoted through #CamChocoFest, connecting, cross promoting, and collaborating. Participating Partners will receive a "Truffle Approved" sticker for their shop window or wall with a QR code leading to a sweet little website and the Truffle Approved / Dog Friendly directory!
Get in touch:
- If you would like a sticker!
- If you want to support Small, Independent Business!
- If you want to 'stick' some pawsitivity into your life and business!
Much Love,
Riadh & Truffle